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Masters Theses in Sensors & Measurement technology

Master´s thesis in Biomedical Engineering

Measuring mobility of knee joints in children with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy, CP, often affects gait pattern for growing children due to imbalances between muscles. Therefore, children with CP regularly meet physicians or physiotherapists in order to evaluate their walking pattern. This evaluation often consists of a very short walk indoors.

This project aims for development of a smart device for measuring the range of motion in the knee joint during daily activities and also during sleep. It is important that the device doesn´t prevent the user from engaging in activities of daily living and that it can collect data continuously during a longer period of time. The idea of the project is to develop the sensor, collect data and evaluate the quality of the data. This sensor could give a lot of information on the mobility of the child that could help the physiotherapists and physicians to provide the best treatments.

If you are interested please contact Ingrid Svensson or Christian Antfolk at the Dept. of Biomedical Engineering.